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  • Writer's pictureLili Rebecca

Patriotism or Privilege

If you ARE protesting, whether out in the streets or from behind your keyboard on social media, about how your rights are being violated when you are asked to stay at home, avoid large gatherings, or wear a mask in public in the midst of this pandemic,

...but you ARE NOT protesting

the fact that a disproportionate number of COVID-19 victims are minorities who were left at higher risk due to inequities in healthcare, living conditions, and work environments,

the fact that armed rebels are storming our capitol buildings with little to no consequence, but unarmed people of color are being gunned down in their own homes and neighborhoods for simply existing,

the fact that a large portion of the essential workforce is not making a living wage,

the fact that so many people live below the poverty line in America that the closing of schools not only disrupted the educational process, but also left thousands of parents wondering how they would feed their children without school-provided meals,

the fact that hospitals and other medical facilities are stuck in bidding wars for limited volumes of PPE and therefore cannot provide their employees with the appropriate supplies to keep themselves and their patients safe, and then the fact that doctors, nurses, and other medical staff are being fired or threatened with termination for voicing their concerns about their safety and the safety of their patients,

the fact that hospitals and clinics are refusing essential COVID testing services to at-risk employees, even after high-risk exposures,

and the fact that our political leaders are advocating more for their own economic interests than they are for the safety of the American people,

...then you are not a patriot. You are just entitled. And there is no room in America for entitlement right now.

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